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- Panniculitis with fever of unknown originDhanushan Gnanendran, Thamir Alshamari, Arif Muhammad, Kirsten MackBMJ Case Reports CP Oct 2024, 17 (10) e262467; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-262467
- Bortezomib-induced neuropathy in multiple myeloma manifesting as foot drop due to peroneal nerve palsyCiniraj Raveendran, Sherin Sunaisha Ashrafudeen, IP YadevBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260909; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260909
- Baclofen overdose with unique cardiovascular effectsCain M Dudek, Christopher H Yee, Max Greenberg, Stewart C McCarverBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260869; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260869
- Tracheal airway obstruction induced by a large glomangioma: discussion of management and literature reviewBassel Hallak, Stephane Yerly, Salim Bouayed, Lynda ZidiBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e261481; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261481
- Syndromic scoliosis in a patient with arthrochalasia Ehlers-Danlos syndrome corrected with a Wood-Rigo-Cheneau derotational braceMichael Brown, Leighann Krasney, Mark LavalleeBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e259469; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-259469
- Return to professional football after ICD implantation in athlete with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathyAmanda Lahti, Erik Ljungström, David Mörtsell, Harald JorstadBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e261255; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261255
- Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis complicated by carbimazole-associated myositisHarsan Kanagaretnam, Kajanan Parameshwaran, Kirtan Ganda, Markus Joachim SeibelBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260722; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260722
- Complications resulting from an intragastric balloon in a patient without follow-up and monitoringRodolfo Romero, Lore Biliauws, Joel Roussel, Jean-Marc CathelineBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e258434; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-258434
- Postoperative laryngeal granuloma in mediastinal goitre with gastro-oesophageal reflux diseaseTakaya Taniguchi, Masami SuzukiBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e258916; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-258916
- Rare intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) can cause atypical intracerebral haemorrhage and mislead diagnosticsClemens Oerding, Olaf Niederstrasser, Ingmar Kaden, Adina Lepadatu, Eberhard Sorge, Daniel Bethmann, Kai Wohlfarth, Anja HarderBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260498; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260498
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