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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Endocrinology
- Diabetes
- Focal congenital hyperinsulinism resulting from biallelic loss of function of KCNJ11 geneReema Garegrat, Suprabha Patnaik, Pradeep Suryawanshi, Chaitanya DatarBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (3) e240218; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-240218
- Diabetes mellitus, Monckeberg’s sclerosis and cardiovascular diseaseAjay Chauhan, Rajeev Sandal, Aditya Jandial, Kundan MishraBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2022, 15 (2) e245778; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-245778
- Splenic abscess by Cutibacterium propionicum in poorly controlled type 2 diabetesRahin Mahata, Mandira Chakraborty, Partha Pratim Chakraborty, Animesh MaitiBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2021, 14 (4) e241106; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-241106
- Pigmented hypertrichotic dermatosis: manifestations of a rare syndromeSanae Sialiti, Siham Mansouri, Mehdi Khallaayoune, Karima SenouciBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (4) e241838; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241838
- Pseudohyponatraemia caused by acute pancreatitis–derived hypertriglyceridaemiaRasmus Søgaard Hansen, Jesper Revsholm, Mohammad Motawea, Lars FolkestadBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2021, 14 (4) e241806; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241806
- Diabetic ketoacidosis, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and fulminant cerebral oedema in COVID-19 infection complicated by Klebsiella pneumoniae infectionLindsey A Wallace, Sara E Hocker, Hilary Dubrock, Philippe BauerBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2022, 15 (4) e248046; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-248046
- COVID-19 triggering mucormycosis in a susceptible patient: a new phenomenon in the developing world?Shweta Mallikarjun Revannavar, Supriya P S, Laxminarayana Samaga, Vineeth V KBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2021, 14 (4) e241663; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241663
- Pneumomediastinum complicating diabetic ketoacidosisSiem Zethof, Carmen Borstlap, Michel Vroomans, Martijn GroenendijkBMJ Case Reports CP May 2023, 16 (5) e255018; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-255018
- Presentation of mixed diabetic ketoacidosis and metabolic acidosis due to ileal neobladder reconstructionDileep Kumar, Muhammad Zubair Nasim, Bilal Ahmad Shoukat, Syed Shabahat Ali ShahBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2021, 14 (2) e223668; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2017-223668
- Rare presentation of anti-GAD-65 antibody-positive autoimmune encephalitis and simultaneous onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus in a paediatric patientKristina Kern, Brooke A ShusterBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (3) e237913; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-237913
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