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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Paediatrics
- Infant nutrition (including breastfeeding)
Infant nutrition (including breastfeeding)
- Premature thelarche in an infant girl with failure to thrive related to dietary soy exposureSerena Su Ying Chang, Nandhakumar Nagarajan, Joanne Mui Ching TanBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (3) e239651; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-239651
- Transient symptomatic zinc deficiency in an exclusively breastfed infantMafalda Crisóstomo, Mafalda Casinhas Santos, Ermelindo Tavares, Florbela CunhaBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2021, 14 (6) e241754; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241754
- Growth failure and metabolic acidosis due to total body sodium depletion in an infant with an ileostomyChristina Marie Zarraga, Stephen Mark BorowitzBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (3) e241570; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241570
- Riga Fede disease in twinsMebin George MathewBMJ Case Reports CP Nov 2022, 15 (11) e252226; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-252226
- Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis diagnosed during pregnancy associated with successful breastfeeding experienceAdeola M Awomolo, Adetola Louis-Jacques, Susan CroweBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2021, 14 (8) e241232; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-241232
- Anaesthesia (215)
- Cardiovascular medicine (1010)
- Dermatology (559)
- Diagnostics
- Radiology (diagnostics) (146)
- Drugs and medicines (1782)
- Emergency medicine
- Poisoning (49)
- Resuscitation (57)
- Trauma (160)
- Emergency medicine (487)
- Endocrinology
- Adrenal disorders (118)
- Calcium and bone (97)
- Diabetes (127)
- Lipid disorders (26)
- Metabolic disorders (89)
- Pituitary disorders (57)
- Thyroid disease (118)
- Endocrinology (677)
- Evidence based practice
- Gastroenterology (934)
- Gastroenterology
- Endoscopy (165)
- GI bleeding (99)
- Liver disease (186)
- Oesophagus (55)
- Pancreatitis (61)
- Portal hypertension (16)
- Small intestine (76)
- Stomach and duodenum (85)
- Genetics
- Genetics (300)
- Geriatric medicine
- Long term care (18)
- Geriatric medicine (67)
- HIV/AIDS (80)
- Infectious diseases (1356)
- Intensive care
- Adult intensive care (301)
- Intensive care (566)
- Neurology
- Cerebral palsy (6)
- Cranial nerves (107)
- Dementia (7)
- Epilepsy and seizures (116)
- Hydrocephalus (22)
- Infection (neurology) (166)
- Multiple sclerosis (19)
- Muscle disease (40)
- Neuroimaging (396)
- Neurological injury (71)
- Neurooncology (116)
- Pain (neurology) (47)
- Spinal cord (105)
- Stroke (239)
- Trauma CNS / PNS (40)
- Neurology (1644)
- Nursing (36)
- Nutrition and metabolism
- Diet (21)
- Malnutrition (24)
- Obesity (nutrition) (17)
- Nutrition and metabolism (118)
- Oncology (1506)
- Ophthalmology (777)
- Orthopaedics (388)
- Paediatrics
- Child abuse (6)
- Congenital disorders (280)
- Failure to thrive (19)
- Infant health (32)
- Neonatal health (93)
- Paediatrics (931)
- Palliative care
- Palliative care (38)
- Pathology
- Pathology (575)
- Pharmacology and therapeutics
- Toxicology (56)
- Prison medicine (1)
- Psychiatry
- Delirium (17)
- Drugs: psychiatry (29)
- Eating disorders (7)
- Psychotherapy (14)
- Sleep disorders (2)
- Psychiatry (227)
- Radiology (894)
- Rehabilitation medicine
- Disability (17)
- Physiotherapy (41)
- Renal medicine
- Acute renal failure (107)
- Dialysis (61)
- Nephrotic syndrome (29)
- Proteinurea (29)
- Renal medicine (379)
- Respiratory medicine (629)
- Rheumatology
- Biological agents (37)
- Fibromyalgia (2)
- Osteoarthritis (13)
- Osteoporosis (11)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (40)
- Vascularitis (161)
- Rheumatology (588)
- Sexual health (102)
- Surgery
- Breast surgery (69)
- Cardiothoracic surgery (205)
- Gastrointestinal surgery (432)
- General surgery (457)
- Neurosurgery (204)
- Otolaryngology / ENT (246)
- Surgical oncology (230)
- Transplantation (61)
- Urological surgery (183)
- Vascular surgery (192)
- Surgery (2645)
- Urology (280)
- Epidemiology
- Ethics
- Ethics (16)
- Ethnic studies (2)
- Health economics (7)
- Health informatics
- Medical careers
- Medical education
- Medical education (108)
- Medical management
- Medical management (208)
- Public health
- Public health (68)
- Smoking and tobacco (16)
- Sociology (1)
- Statistics and research methods
- Special collections
- BMJ Series
- Case Reports
- Global health (75)
- Images in... (2287)
- Learning from errors (76)
- New disease (44)
- Rare disease (2626)
- COVID-19 (557)
- Editor's choice (66)
- Endgames
- Open access (838)
- Original research articles