Table 1

Results of laboratory investigations

TestSignificant results
CBCMild anaemia, thrombocytosis and normal white cell count throughout hospital course
CMPMild transaminitis resolved
ESRElevated at approximately 3× the upper limit of normal
CRPElevated at approximately 6× the upper limit of normal
TroponinsNegative ×6
 Blood culturesNegative ×2
 Urine culturesNegative
 AFB sputum culturesMAC in 4 samples out of 5
 AFB pericardial fluid cultureMAC in 2 samples out of 3
 AFB pericardial tissue culturesNegative
 Anaerobic and aerobic pericardial fluid culturesNegative ×2
 Anaerobic and aerobic pericardial tissue culturesNegative
 PCR and gene sequencing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis on sputum and pericardial fluidNegative
 PCR and gene sequencing for MAC on sputum, pericardial fluid or pericardial tissueNot performed as MAC was already growing in several samples of sputum and pericardial fluid
 Histopathological report on pericardial tissue and intrapericardial debris
  • Multiple fragments of benign pericardial tissues with inflammatory changes, and necrotising granulomas of the lymph nodes of the attached adipose tissue

  • No malignancy identified

  • No AFB and no fungal elements identified on Ziehl-Neelsen or silver stains, respectively

Malignancy workup
 Pericardial fluid cytologyNegative ×2
 Pericardial fluid biopsy pathologyNo evidence of malignancy
 Flow cytometryNegative ×2
 Breast nodule biopsyBenign fibroadenoma with sclerosing adenosis
Rheumatology/immunology/serology work-up
 RA latexNegative
 IgM levelsNormal
 IgG levelsNormal
 IgA levelsNormal
 HIVNegative ×2
 Hepatitis CNon-reactive
 Hepatitis BImmune
  • AFB, acid-fast bacilli; ANA, antinuclear antibody; CBC, complete blood count; CMP, complete metabolic panel; CRP, C reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MAC, Mycobacterium avium complex; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.