Table 1

EVALI-associated pneumothorax in relation to demography, complications and treatment

GGOPub dateAgeBMIHabitusGenderMedical condit.Infectious diseaseVaping/ month‘Cannabis’Tox. screenPSP/SSP‘Coughing’BilateralLatency/ daysVentilationECMO/ daysRe.pneu/ fistulaSurgery
Yes2019635MNoneNone48Yesn.r.SSPYes8NoNoPleurectomy, blebectomy
Yes20192040MIV drugsHep Bn.r.n.r.SSPYesYesYes42NoChest tube
Yes20201334MNoneNonen.r.n.r.SSPYes>4NoNoChest tube
Yes20201916Poor nutritionFChronic abdo painNone12YesYesSSPNoYes30YesChest tube
Yes20202119MNoneNone1Yesn.r.SSPNoYesNoNoChest tube
Yes20201835MType 1 DMNone1YesYesSSPNoYesNoNo
Yes20201417FBipolar disorderNoneYesn.r.SSPYesYesYesNo
Yes20202219MAsthmaNoneYesYesSSPYesYes8Yes29YesChest tube
Yes20202425MNoneNoneYesYesSSPNoYesYesYesYesYesChest tube
No20172521MNoneNone7n.r.n.r.SSPYesNoNoPleurectomy, pleurodesis
No2019151519MNoneNonen.r.n.r.PSPNoNoYesPleurodesis, no blebs
No2019151618.6MNoneNoneNon.r.SSPNoNoYesPleurectomy, blebectomy
No20201321MNoneNone36n.r.n.r.PSPYesNoNoChest tube
No2021*3423.6Muscular buildMNoneNone36NoYesSSPYesNoNoPleurectomy, blebectomy
  • Cases in two groups: patients with ground glass opacities (GGO) on CT scan or any other major structural lung parenchyma changes; BMI is body mass index; ‘cannabis’ relates to any kind of cannabinoids used for vaping as mentioned in reports; tox. screen relates to any kind of toxicology screen used to validate the use of cannabinoids; PSP/SSP relates to primary and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax being reclassified by authors if any signs of pre-existing disease like GGO on X-ray or CT thorax or blebs as a sign of emphysema in chronic smokers/vapers were evident from the reports; ‘coughing’ relates to any kind of reporting a strain on the thorax including a cough, heavy lifting or else; bilateral, that is, bilateral pneumothoraces; latency is latency in days from evidence of lung disease (respiratory distress) until occurrence of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax; ventilation indicates whether patients were put on a respirator; ECMO/days reports the days the patient needed extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; re.pneu/fistula reports whether patients developed recurrent pneumothorax or a bronchial fistula after first occurrence of a pneumothorax; surgery reports whether patients had any type of surgical intervention; n.r. denotes not reported.

  • *Authors’ case.

  • EVALI, E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury; IV, intravenous.