Table 1

The timeline of symptoms over the course of illness

Acute stage of the diseaseProdromal periodChronic stages of disease
Febrile stageCritical stageRecovery stageUp to 3 weeks3 months6 months1 year
1–4 days5–7 days8–14 days
FeverSevere abdominal painIncreased appetiteSevere joint painsPersisting joint painsPersisting joint painsSlight improvement in joint pain
VomitingHepatomegalyUrine output increasedMyalgiaMyalgiaMyalgiaSignificant improvement in myalgia
HeadacheIll lookingFeeling of well beingUnbearable headachePersisting headache in the same severityPersisting headache in the same severitySignificant improvement in headache
ArthralgiaIrritabilitySleep improvedSleep disturbancesSleep disturbancesSleep disturbancesNo sleep disturbance
Body achePleural effusion and ascitesAir entry improved and abdominal swelling reducedUninterested in activities and food intakesUninterested in activities and food intakesUninterested in activities and food intakesImprovement in daily activities
Abdominal painUnstable vital signs (narrowed pulse pressure, tachycardia,
prolong capillary refilling time)
Vital signs became stablePoor concentration in studies and watching televisionsPoor concentration in studies and watching televisionsPoor concentration in studies and watching televisionsShowed some interest in education and hobbies
VomitingMelenaNo bleeding manifestationsFatigueDifficult to walk due to body acheReluctant to walkCan walk to school with minimal tiredness for less than 30 min
Loose stoolsMostly bed boundUninterested to talk to family membersStill not interested to talk to family membersSpend some time with family and friends