Table 1

Reported cases of iMCD preceded by cutaneous plasmacytosis*

SexAsymptomatic period† (years)Location of skin plaques
Kubota et al357M15Face and trunk
Klein et al1144FNATrunk and extremities
Arai et al1233F9Face and trunk
Kayasut et al771MNATrunk
Ahmed et al1342F7.5Face and trunk
Higashi et al1439F6Face and trunk
Higashi et al1446M10Face, trunk and extremities
Okuyama et al1545F3Trunk
Okuyama et al1536F2Trunk
Park et al1665M7Head, trunk and extremities
Honda et al1745F8Trunk
Our case45F1.5Face and trunk
  • NA; Not available.

  • *Two cases without histological confirmation of the lymph nodes were excluded.

  • †The period with only skin lesions before the occurrence of systemic symptoms.

  • F, female; iMCD, idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease; M, male.