Author | Age (years) | Sex | Asymptomatic period†(years) | Location of skin plaques |
Kubota et al3 | 57 | M | 15 | Face and trunk |
Klein et al11 | 44 | F | NA | Trunk and extremities |
Arai et al12 | 33 | F | 9 | Face and trunk |
Kayasut et al7 | 71 | M | NA | Trunk |
Ahmed et al13 | 42 | F | 7.5 | Face and trunk |
Higashi et al14 | 39 | F | 6 | Face and trunk |
Higashi et al14 | 46 | M | 10 | Face, trunk and extremities |
Okuyama et al15 | 45 | F | 3 | Trunk |
Okuyama et al15 | 36 | F | 2 | Trunk |
Park et al16 | 65 | M | 7 | Head, trunk and extremities |
Honda et al17 | 45 | F | 8 | Trunk |
Our case | 45 | F | 1.5 | Face and trunk |
NA; Not available.
*Two cases without histological confirmation of the lymph nodes were excluded.
†The period with only skin lesions before the occurrence of systemic symptoms.
F, female; iMCD, idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease; M, male.