Table 1

Case reports of thrombolysis with t-PA in massive PE despite intracranial guideline contraindication

Author referencePublication yeart-PA indicationContraindicationClinical scenarioPatient age
Thrombolytic dosePatient outcomes*
Han et al 23 2006PEGBMHypotension/hypoxia72100 mg alteplase over 2 hoursGI bleed on warfarin
Koroneos et al 21 2007PEHaemorrhagic CVACardiac arrest5350 mg alteplase bolus given twiceNo adverse events
Bottinor et al 22 2014PEHaemorrhagic CVACardiac arrest60100 mg alteplase over 2 hoursRectal, vaginal and line-site haemorrhage
Bayram et al 24 2014PEGBM and intracranial surgeryCardiac arrest6350 mg alteplase bolusNo adverse events
  • *All patients survived without any documented neurological or new functional deficits.

  • CVA, cerebrovascular accident; GBM, glioblastoma multiforme; GI, gastrointestinal; PE, pulmonary embolism; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator.