
302 e-Letters

published between 2017 and 2020

  • Re-Shoulder pain in smokers
    Ali Al Kaissi

    Intersting case with missed clinical data. The available photos of the patient showed abnormal craniofacial contour. The head seems long and narrow with a possibility of a compensatory growth might occured in the antero-posterior direction resulted in a scaphocephalic like skull. The bi - temporal narrowing with narrow frontal area, deep-seated eyes, widow peak with dense eye browes and abnormal length of the nose are fe...

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  • Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids
    Randolph W Lievertz, MD

    Was the substance that this patient was found with sent to an analytic organic chemist to identify the specific chemical moeties present? Synthesis of cannabinoids can result in a product that has radically different pharmacologic properties than the desired compound. The classic example is Ecstacy. Distillation at the wrong temperature, just a few degrees off, results in a total body paralysis drug. In the presented ca...

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