Intersting case with missed clinical data. The available photos of
the patient showed abnormal craniofacial contour. The head seems long and
narrow with a possibility of a compensatory growth might occured in the
antero-posterior direction resulted in a scaphocephalic like skull. The bi
- temporal narrowing with narrow frontal area, deep-seated eyes, widow
peak with dense eye browes and abnormal length of the nose are fe...
Intersting case with missed clinical data. The available photos of
the patient showed abnormal craniofacial contour. The head seems long and
narrow with a possibility of a compensatory growth might occured in the
antero-posterior direction resulted in a scaphocephalic like skull. The bi
- temporal narrowing with narrow frontal area, deep-seated eyes, widow
peak with dense eye browes and abnormal length of the nose are features
of a possible craniosynostosis? This patient needs a comprehensive
clinical and radiological phenotype study. Tumours are not uncommon
outcome in patients with syndromic entities.
Was the substance that this patient was found with sent to an
analytic organic chemist to identify the specific chemical moeties
present? Synthesis of cannabinoids can result in a product that has
radically different pharmacologic properties than the desired compound.
The classic example is Ecstacy. Distillation at the wrong temperature,
just a few degrees off, results in a total body paralysis drug. In the
presented ca...
Was the substance that this patient was found with sent to an
analytic organic chemist to identify the specific chemical moeties
present? Synthesis of cannabinoids can result in a product that has
radically different pharmacologic properties than the desired compound.
The classic example is Ecstacy. Distillation at the wrong temperature,
just a few degrees off, results in a total body paralysis drug. In the
presented case it may be anything from an impure drug to co-synthesis of
the Dextro and Levo forms of the active agent. For instance Levo-methadone
is an opiate effective against nociceptive pain while Dextro-methadone is
an NMDA antagonist effective against neuropathic pain.
We really need to identify the specific agent that causes the
cardiovascular effects. If street chemists are manufacturing synthetic
cannabinoids we need to identify the specifics in order to identify the
product (urine drug screen?), look for the specific pathologic effects in
patients presenting with atypical symptoms, and hopefully develope a
treatment protocol to minimize any damage.
Intersting case with missed clinical data. The available photos of the patient showed abnormal craniofacial contour. The head seems long and narrow with a possibility of a compensatory growth might occured in the antero-posterior direction resulted in a scaphocephalic like skull. The bi - temporal narrowing with narrow frontal area, deep-seated eyes, widow peak with dense eye browes and abnormal length of the nose are fe...
Was the substance that this patient was found with sent to an analytic organic chemist to identify the specific chemical moeties present? Synthesis of cannabinoids can result in a product that has radically different pharmacologic properties than the desired compound. The classic example is Ecstacy. Distillation at the wrong temperature, just a few degrees off, results in a total body paralysis drug. In the presented ca...