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Copper deficiency as a cause of neutropenia in a case of coeliac disease
  1. Daisy Khera,
  2. Baldev Sharma,
  3. Kuldeep Singh
  1. Department of Paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, India
  1. Correspondence to Dr Daisy Khera, pushpinderdaisy{at}


We report a 17 year-old male patient, who presented with chronic diarrhoea, progressive pallor, short stature, anaemia (haemoglobin of 4.9 g/dL) and neutropenia and was diagnosed as coeliac disease. His neutropenia did not respond to 8 months of gluten-free diet, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 therapy. So we suspected copper deficiency and his serum copper levels were tested, which was low. His neutrophil counts normalised after 2 months of copper supplementation. Hence we concluded that the cause of neutropenia in our case was copper deficiency.

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