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Unusual case of HIV with Kaposi sarcoma and neuroendocrine tumour
  1. Abhishek Biswas1,
  2. Ashish Prasad1,
  3. Peruvemba Sriram2
  1. 1Department of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
  2. 2University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Peruvemba Sriram, sriramp{at}

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A 50-year-old Black man with a 3-year history of HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir) presented with cough and dyspnoea. He had no significant medical history aside from HIV and had no history of opportunistic infections. He denied any history of smoking, alcohol or illicit drug abuse, and denied receiving blood transfusions. He had had unprotected sex with male partners in the past. His family history was positive for his mother having had a stroke. He had a history of non-compliance with antiretroviral therapy. Examination showed numerous brownish skin macules and purple coloured exophytic palatal lesions (figures 1 and 2). His CD4 count was 222 and viral load 1130 K copies/mL. Chest X-ray showed perihilar infiltrates …

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