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Case report
Bilateral and symmetric isolated dorsospinal arteries with prominent anterior radiculomedullary contribution
  1. Emanuele Orru’,
  2. Philippe Gailloud
  1. Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr E Orru', Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA; eorru1{at}


We present the case of a 15-year-old girl with a left T7 spinal epidural arteriovenous fistula (SEAVF), in whom bilateral and symmetric isolated T9 dorsospinal arteries (DAs) were incidentally documented, each providing a significant contribution to the anterior spinal artery. Recognizing the existence of isolated DAs of direct aortic origin is critical, both for the diagnostic evaluation and for the management of spinal vascular diseases. Notably, isolated DAs tend to branch off significant radiculomedullary arteries, which vascularize the normal spinal cord but have also been shown to supply spinal vascular malformations.

  • Angiography
  • Artery
  • Fistula
  • Spine
  • Spinal cord

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