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A rare obstetric emergency: acute uterine torsion in a 32-week pregnancy
  1. Karen Louise Moores,
  2. Matthew G Wood,
  3. Richard P Foon
  1. Department of Maternity, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Karen Louise Moores, karenshaw{at}


Uterine torsion is rare in pregnancy and the cause in most cases is unknown. It is associated with fetal compromise, with perinatal mortality reported to be around 12%. Our case describes an acute torsion, presenting in pregnancy with severe abdominal pain and vomiting with a viable 32-week gestation. Emergency caesarean section was performed and the 180° uterine torsion was diagnosed intraoperatively. Posterior hysterotomy was required for delivery prior to detorsion of the uterus. This report describes that prompt recognition and intraoperative vigilance can achieve a successful maternal and fetal outcome in this rare and difficult obstetric scenario.

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