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Unusual association of diseases/symptoms
Acute hepatitis E virus infection and autoimmune thyroiditis: yet another trigger?
  1. Franz Ludwig Dumoulin1,
  2. Hanna Liese2
  1. 1Department of Medicine, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Bonn, Bonn, Germany
  2. 2Private Office General Medicine, Bonn, Germany
  1. Correspondence to Mr Franz Ludwig Dumoulin, f.dumoulin{at}


A middle aged woman, previously healthy with the exception of mild seasonal asthma was presented with signs of acute hepatitis. The further investigation showed acute hepatitis E virus infection associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. Treatment was started with propranolol and carbimazol whereupon hepatitis and hyperthyroidism resolved. The authors think that the observed association of acute hepatitis E virus infection and autoimmune thyroiditis suggests a role of hepatitis E virus as putative trigger of autoimmune thyroiditis. The alternative possibility of thyroid dysfunction due to pre-existing autoantibodies cannot be completely excluded but seems to be unlikely given the very mild course of seasonal asthma in this patient.

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