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Unusual association of diseases/symptoms
A complicated simple fall – an atypical case of serogroup Y meningococcal pneumonia with secondary septicaemia and literature review
  1. BKY Chan,
  2. S Kudsk-Iversen,
  3. S Balaguruswamy,
  4. TS Purewal
  1. Department of Endocrinology and General Medicine, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr BKY Chan, benjaminchan{at}


An elderly lady was admitted for pain management and rehabilitation following a fall. During her stay she developed a new heart murmur and sepsis. Subacute bacterial endocarditits was excluded, empirical ciprofloxacin was initiated and later converted to aztreonam with gentamicin for clinical deterioration. Subsequent investigations revealed meningococcal Y septicaemia secondary to pneumonia, with a possible oropharynx focus. Upon discharge she had returned to baseline state. The case reflects an unusual and increasing cause of pneumonia. A steady increase of infective serogroup Y isolates over the past 12-years in England, with tendency towards elderly makes it a significant differential among the general medical population. This trend corresponds with the US, but is yet unknown whether to be a periodic cycle or true change in dominance and, or, virulence among serogroups. If the latter were true, it would support the inclusion of serogroups beyond menigitides C in the vaccination program.

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