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Novel treatment (new drug/intervention; established drug/procedure in new situation)
Successful treatment of two refractory venous stasis ulcers treated with a novel poly-N-acetyl glucosamine-derived membrane
  1. Erik Alberto Maus
  1. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas at Houston and Hermann Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Erik Alberto Maus, Erik.A.Maus{at}


Standard of care for venous leg ulcers (VLUs) consists of the application of compression bandages or stockings and of local moist wound care. While the majority of patients heal with the above mentioned treatments some ulcers become refractory to treatment causing significant disability and costs. The authors present the observation made on two patients with VLUs who had failed to respond to a comprehensive state of the art wound care approach for 11 and 3 years respectively. Both patients were treated with a poly-N-acetyl glucosamine-derived membrane (pGlcNAc) (Talymed, Marine Polymer Technologies, Danvers, Massachusetts, USA) in addition to compression bandaging. Both patients healed within 6 weeks of the first application of pG1cNAc. The authors present two cases of VLUs that had been considered non-healable that were successfully treated in a very short period of time with the application of a novel technology.

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