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Tension pneumoperitoneum complicated with tension pneumothorax in a patient with diaphragmatic eventration
  1. Haldun Akoglu,
  2. Erkan Coban,
  3. Ozlem Guneysel
  1. Department of Emergency Medicine, Dr Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
  1. Correspondence to Dr Haldun Akoglu, drhaldun{at}


Tension pneumothorax complicating a pneumoperitoneum is a rare but known entity. However, all previously published articles report an air leak through defects in the diaphragm connecting the pneumoperitoneum and the pneumothorax. Here, the case of a 36-year-old man in whom the pneumoperitoneum acted like a tension pneumothorax because of a congenital eventration of the left diaphragm without penetration is presented. Emergency needle decompression of the abdomen was performed. A gastric ulcer that had passed through the diaphragm to the right lung was diagnosed intraoperatively. Unfortunately, the patient developed a ventricular fibrillation that remained resistant to all resuscitative efforts, and the patient died shortly afterwards.

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