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Unusual presentation of more common disease/injury
An uncommon presentation of ductal carcinoma in situ
  1. Rodney Motindi,
  2. Peter Mallon,
  3. Stephen Dace
  1. Antrim Area Hospital, Breast Unit, Antrim, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Peter Mallon, petermallon{at}


A 47-year-old woman presented with 6 weeks history of non-blood-stained nipple discharge. Two separate nipple cytology assessments revealed malignant cells despite normal clinical examination and radiological investigation (mammogram, ultrasound and MRI). The patient elected for a central segmentectomy which revealed a 1.8 cm area of high-grade comedo ductal carcinoma in situ in the subareolar region. The patient made a good postoperative recovery. 6 months follow-up revealed a 5 mm area of new calcification, core biopsy revealed atypical cells. After counselling, the patient elected for bilateral mastectomy which revealed fibrocystic tissue only.

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