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Rare disease
Huge mediastinal mass with minimal symptoms: thymolipoma
  1. Ganesh Y1,
  2. Vivek Yadala2,
  3. Nalini Y3,
  4. Avinash Dal4,
  5. Anil Dronam Raju4
  1. 1Department of General Medicine, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, India
  2. 2Department of General Medicine, Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad, India
  3. 3Department of Radiation Oncology, Apollo Cancer Institute, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, India
  4. 4Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, India
  1. Correspondence to Ganesh Y, yadalaganesh{at}


A 35-year-old Indian working in Dubai had come to India for his annual vacation. He presented with a shortness of breath and mild chest discomfort of 3 months duration. Routine investigations gave normal results, except for his chest x-ray that showed homogenous opacity in the right mid and lower zones. Chest CT scan revealed a huge mass with fat and soft tissue involving the anterior mediastinum predominantly on the right side extending into the pericardiac region. The mass was pushing the right hemidiaphragm inferiorly and was compressing the right lung superiorly with atelectasis. The patient underwent surgical excision of the mass and recovered uneventfully. Gross specimen showed an encapsulated mass weighing 2.585 kg. Histopathological examination revealed lobules of mature adipose tissue interspersed with islands of mature thymic tissue and prominent Hassal’s corpuscles suggesting thymolipoma. There was no evidence of malignancy.

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