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Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions
Ping-pong champion with adrenal insufficiency


A 62-year-old Japanese man, a bronze medal winner in the World Championship of table tennis when in his 20s, was diagnosed with secondary adrenocortical insufficiency due to isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency, and steroid administration was started. About 1 year after the diagnosis, he took part in a table tennis championship which was open to those 40 years or older. He took 10 mg hydrocortisone after breakfast as usual, played 10 matches, each of which took 20–30 min, and won the championship in about 8 h. Since the man could not always win the gruelling competition even when in his 50s, it is suggested that extra steroid hormone is not necessary for patients with adrenocortical insufficiency due to ACTH deficiency in order to successfully engage in sports requiring such intensity and endurance.

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