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Reminder of important clinical lesson
Management dilemma in a paediatric patient with chronic gastric volvulus: a case report


Gastric volvulus in children is rare. While the acute form is a surgical emergency, the chronic form may be managed either surgically or conservatively. The present report describes a premature (26+1 weeks) Afro-Caribbean neonate girl who presented with severe multiple bradycardias and apnoeas; she subsequently underwent pH monitoring and a barium study which demonstrated gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and gastric volvulus. The patient represented a management dilemma as there were delays in establishing the diagnosis since medical treatment was started before pH monitoring was performed, and because of complications of prematurity precluding surgical treatment. This case supports an association between GORD and gastric volvulus while arguing that the mode of treatment should be based upon the severity of symptoms. This case is of particular interest to paediatricians who might consider this diagnosis in infants presenting with non-specific gastrointestinal and feeding problems particularly in association with GORD.

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