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Recurrent haemorrhagic venous infarct in a patient with sickle cell disease


Cerebrovascular accidents are uncommon but devastating complications of sickle cell disease (SCD). Notably, cerebral sinovenous thrombosis is rarely reported in SCD and poses a therapeutic dilemma regarding anticoagulation. Herein, we describe a challenging case of a patient with sickle thalassaemia admitted to the hospital with recurrent haemorrhagic infarct secondary to cerebral sinus thrombosis. The patient was successfully treated with anticoagulation without neurological deficit. No embolic or other thrombotic aetiology was found, and the stroke was presumed due to sickle cell disease, leading to a hypercoagulable state. Our case report highlights the value of early recognition of this rare but potentially life-threatening condition in SCD, considers other options of anticoagulation therapy and emphasises the importance of close multidisciplinary follow-up particularly post hospital discharge.

  • Haematology (incl blood transfusion)
  • Paediatric intensive care
  • Stroke

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