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Adult granulosa cell tumour camouflaged as mucinous neoplasm


This case report delves into the diagnostic intricacies and clinical management of adult granulosa cell tumour (AGCT) in a woman in her 50s, presenting with pain abdomen. Initial imaging investigations like ultrasound suggested diagnosis of benign cystadenoma. Further MRI revealed a large well-defined multiloculated lesion so a diagnosis of neoplastic aetiology/likely mucinous cystadenocarcinoma was offered. However, the definitive diagnosis was established through meticulous histopathological examination, revealing characteristic features of AGCT, a rare ovarian neoplasm. The case underscores the diagnostic challenges posed by AGCT, the importance of integrating clinical, radiological and histopathological data, and the necessity for a multidisciplinary approach for accurate diagnosis and optimal patient management.

  • Obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Gynecological cancer
  • Pathology
  • Surgical oncology

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