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A female adolescent presented with a 9 month history of progressive involuntary movements, initially manifesting as finger tremors and evolving into flinging motions of the extremities, resulting in an inability to walk over the last 4 months. Concurrently, she developed dysarthria. Neurologically, she exhibited normal power, rigidity and brisk deep tendon reflexes, with a downgoing plantar reflex. Contrast-enhanced MRI revealed hyperintensity in bilateral caudate lobes, basal ganglia and pons, indicative of Wilson’s disease. Liver function tests and ultrasound were normal while Kayser–Fleischer rings were confirmed by slit lamp examination. Serum ceruloplasmin was low, 24-hour urine copper was elevated (125.5 mcg) and whole exome sequencing identified a heterozygous ATP7B mutation, confirming the diagnosis. Isolated neurological involvement without hepatic involvement is an extremely rare presentation and needs clinical expertise to delineate Wilson’s disease as a possible aetiology.
- Movement disorders (other than Parkinsons)
- Genetics
- Liver disease