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Steroid-induced psychosis: a spectrum of neuropsychiatric glucocorticoid side effects


Glucocorticoid-induced neuropsychiatric side effects have been known since their initial usage and frequently manifest in clinical settings. Despite this, they remain unpredictable, variable and complex to manage, impacting patient outcomes and the healthcare system.

We report a case of glucocorticoid-induced psychosis after the administration of dexamethasone post-neurosurgical intervention and its evolution with the initiation of chemotherapy. Although initially manic symptoms were prominent, with the beginning of chemotherapy psychotic symptoms dominated the clinical presentation, followed by depressive symptoms. Despite challenges in diagnosis and management, including adverse reactions to antipsychotic treatment, this case provides critical insights into the variable and dynamic nature of neuropsychiatric side effects induced by glucocorticoids.

  • Psychiatry (drugs and medicines)
  • Psychotic disorders (incl schizophrenia)
  • Contraindications and precautions
  • Malignant and Benign haematology
  • Unwanted effects / adverse reactions

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