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Successful delayed interval delivery of a triplet pregnancy using conservative management


Preterm birth is a significant cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, especially in multiple pregnancies. Delayed interval delivery can prolong pregnancy for the remaining fetus(es) in an imminent stillbirth or extremely preterm birth of the first fetus, improving the lastborn’s outcomes. We present a case of delayed interval delivery of a triplet pregnancy following preterm prelabour rupture of membranes and progressive cervical insufficiency. Following vaginal delivery of the first fetus at 24+1 gestational weeks, the patient received antibiotics and tocolysis. Cerclage was not conducted as the mother had a vaginal infection. A 15-day delivery interval for the second and third fetuses was achieved. The firstborn required mechanical ventilation and inotropic support, while the others only required continuous positive airway pressure. There is no consensus on the best way to perform delayed interval delivery. We achieved a complications-free interval of 15 days with conservative management in a triplet pregnancy.

  • Obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Pregnancy
  • Neonatal health
  • Materno-fetal medicine
  • Neonatal and paediatric intensive care

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