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Complete transection of the descending colon following blunt abdominal trauma


We present the case of a man in his 30s who was crushed between two vehicles sustaining blunt trauma to his lower limbs and torso. The patient was in shock on arrival to the emergency department, and immediate resuscitation was given with massive transfusion protocol activation. Once the patient’s haemodynamic status was stabilised, a CT scan revealed a complete colon transection. The patient was taken to the operating theatre where a midline laparotomy was performed, and the transected descending colon was managed with a segmental resection and handsewn anastomosis. The patient followed an unremarkable postoperative course, with bowels opening on day 8 postoperatively. Colon injuries are rare following blunt abdominal trauma, and a delay in diagnosis may lead to increased morbidity and mortality. As such, a low threshold for surgical intervention is recommended.

  • General surgery
  • Trauma

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