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Management of infected radicular cyst associated with immature maxillary permanent lateral incisor: a conservative surgical approach


Radicular cysts are the most common cystic lesions which affect the jaw. Traumatic dental injuries cause injury to the periodontal ligament and dental pulp often leads to pulpal necrosis. The necrosed pulp eventually becomes the nidus of infection and irritates the periapical epithelial cell remnants, which in turn develops into a cyst eventually. This case report presents the successful conservative surgical management of a large infected radicular cyst which was associated with traumatised, necrotic, permanent maxillary lateral incisor with open apex by Partsch II surgical procedure followed by a combination of retrograde and orthograde root canal obturation. This report will guide the clinicians in the arena of surgical endodontics in a conservative approach.

  • Dentistry and oral medicine
  • Pathology

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