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Isolated thyroid abscess in early childhood


Isolated thyroid abscess is a rare entity in early childhood. Among thyroid disorders, thyroid abscess or acute suppurative thyroiditis constitutes about 0.7%–1% of all cases. The thyroid gland is normally resistant to infections due to its well-enveloped capsule, rich blood supply, and high iodine content.

A child presented with tender neck swelling accompanied by fever for 3 days. Ultrasound of the neck showed features suggestive of left parapharyngeal abscess. Laboratory parameters including thyroid function test were within normal limits. Contrast-enhanced CT of the neck was done and showed an isolated thyroid abscess with no other abnormalities. The patient was started on intravenous antibiotics followed by incision and drainage of the abscess. The child improved symptomatically. This report discusses the differential diagnosis and management of this rare entity.

  • Ear, nose and throat
  • Infections
  • Paediatrics (drugs and medicines)
  • Pathology

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