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Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast: a rare diagnosis complicated by surgical emergency and diagnostic uncertainty


A woman in her 80s was referred as an emergency case with a large oedematous and ulcerating lesion of the right breast. There was a 5-month history of increasing breast volume with new onset skin breakdown and discharge. Imaging revealed an extensive heterogeneous mass requiring drainage. No diagnosis was received from multiple biopsies and immediate surgical resection of the breast and axillary sampling was prioritised given the deteriorating patient condition. Postoperative histology identified a biphasic Adenomyoepithelioma of low malignant potential, a rare presentation compounding the complexity of management. The diagnostic uncertainty of this case highlighted the importance of MDT collaboration and the flexibility of current management pathways when dealing with cases requiring urgent surgical intervention. Axillary sampling in the context of unsuccessful preoperative biopsy represented a comprehensive means for assessing the need for further surgical or systemic management in the context of unconfirmed malignancy in a deteriorating patient.

  • breast cancer
  • breast surgery
  • radiology
  • cancer intervention

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