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Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension after treatment with sorafenib


A man in his 70s with a history of fatigue, abdominal pain, and a palpable abdominal mass was found to have a peritoneal desmoid tumour. One year after diagnosis, he was prescribed sorafenib to limit tumour growth. Two months later, he developed dyspnoea on exertion and lower extremity weakness and was reported to have supine hypertension and orthostatic hypotension. On formal autonomic testing, he was noted to have severely impaired sympathetic responses and marked orthostatic hypotension without appropriate chronotropic response. A decision to hold sorafenib was made, and treatment was started with graduated compression stockings, liberal fluid and sodium intake, and midodrine. The patient had a modest and gradual improvement in his symptoms. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of orthostatic hypotension related to sorafenib or any vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors.

  • Cardiovascular system
  • Peripheral nerve disease
  • Chemotherapy

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