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Ureteral duplication with an heterotopic ureteric implantation: a less common cause of adult urinary incontinence


A 25-year-old woman with a history of frequent urinary tract infections and dribbling urinary incontinence since early childhood was referred to our urology clinic. An accurate investigation revealed a complete right ureteral duplication, with a dysplastic upper-pole renal moiety and an ectopic right ureter draining into the vagina. The patient underwent surgical exploration which confirmed the diagnosis. It was also possible to see a communication between renal moieties which allowed for a laparoscopic ligation and excision of the heterotopic right ureter. The patient had a good recovery, with a complete resolution of her complaints and a great improvement of her quality of life.

  • congenital disorders
  • urological surgery
  • urinary tract infections
  • paediatric surgery

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