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Intravenous lobular capillary haemangioma presenting as neck discomfort associated with neck anteflexion


Lobular capillary haemangioma, also known as pyogenic granuloma, is a benign vascular tumour that usually originates in the skin and mucosal membrane. It sometimes derives from the lumen of a vein and the clinical presentations are various and non-specific. A 72-year-old woman complained of a sensation of pressure in her left neck for 1 month when cooking. Her left cephalic vein was enlarged with no signs of oedema, and cervical ultrasound revealed a space-occupying lesion in the left subclavian vein. Contrast-enhanced CT and MRI revealed an intravascular tumour. This tumour was removed with operation, and histopathological examination revealed intravascular capillary haemangioma. Intravascular lobular capillary haemangioma is a rare condition that occurs in the veins of the neck and upper extremities. Intravascular tumours could cause a unique symptom, such as neck discomfort associated with neck anteflexion.

  • haemangioma
  • cardiothoracic surgery
  • ultrasonography

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