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Case report
Haematoma complicating subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn: a rare complication following therapeutic hypothermia


A term, large for gestational age male newborn, was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with meconium aspiration syndrome and severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. The baby was treated with therapeutic hypothermia using a total body cooling blanket. After 48 hours, the baby developed tender, indurated subcutaneous nodules consistent with subcutaneous fat necrosis (SCFN). The lesions started initially over the back but gradually spread to cover both shoulders, upper arms, chest area and both thighs. On day 19 of life, multiple small nodules on the back softened and coalesced to form one sizeable fluctuant swelling over the thoracolumbar area. Over a few hours, the swelling rapidly progressed to a large, tense mass with sloughing of the gangrenous overlying skin. This unusual complication of SCFN required surgical intervention for evacuation and debridement of the haematoma followed by graft repair of the skin defect.

  • neonatal intensive care
  • materno-fetal medicine
  • neonatal health
  • plastic and reconstructive surgery
  • dermatology

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