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Case report
Transient choroidal detachment after ultrasonic circular cyclocoagulation


Two patients with refractory glaucoma followed in our ophthalmology department registered progression on left eyes (OS) despite best practice. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 9/10 and 8/10 and intraocular pressure (IOP) was above 20 mm Hg while under maximal hypotensive therapy. The procedure was performed under retrobulbar anaesthesia with second-generation EyeOp1probes. In follow-up, OS were hypotonic with registered IOP ≤5 mm Hg and revealed a 3/10 BCVA. The funduscopy showed one temporal and superior and another nasal and temporal choroidal detachments. The patients started oral steroids and interrupted all ocular hypotensive medication. After therapy, patients returned with normal rising OS IOPs and with totally reapplied choroids, accompanied by normalised BCVA. These two cases are proof of the possibility of transient choroidal detachment after a ultrasonic circular cyclocoagulation. While a very rare major vision-threatening complication, every ophthalmologist should remind it when sudden BCVA reductions occur after this procedure.

  • ophthalmology
  • glaucoma

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