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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Surgery
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
- Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis: an unusual cause of carpal tunnel syndromeXuxin Lim, Kai Yuen WongBMJ Case Reports CP Jan 2021, 14 (1) e235207; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-235207
- Tuberculous flexor tenosynovitis of wrist and handSanjay Kumar Giri, Santanu Suba, Ahana Bandyopadhyay, Pavithra RBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2023, 16 (3) e252286; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-252286
- Endovascular embolisation of a complex mandibular AVM: a hybrid transarterial and transvenous approachAmrin Israrahmed, Rohit Agarwal, Gaurav ChauhanBMJ Case Reports CP Jan 2023, 16 (1) e251589; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-251589
- Xanthogranulomatous inflammation and spindle cell proliferation in response to silicone breast implant leakageKyra Ji-Young Lee, Jue Li Seah, Sandra O’Toole, Sanjay WarrierBMJ Case Reports CP Jan 2023, 16 (1) e252091; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-252091
- Management of basal cell carcinoma with pulmonary metastasisSamuel Achilles Fordham, Emily Ximin Shao, Leith Banney, Mary Azer, Andrew DettrickBMJ Case Reports CP Jan 2023, 16 (1) e251700; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-251700
- Bilateral total conservative parotidectomy: a tale behind an aesthetic surgeryJeyashanth Riju, Philip George, Konduru Vidya, Amit Jiwan TirkeyBMJ Case Reports CP Dec 2020, 13 (12) e236647; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-236647
- Compromised microvascular free flaps; salvage using Fogarty vascular catheter thrombectomySanthosh Rao, Nitin Kumar Kashyap, Chinmaya Panda, Naveen KumarBMJ Case Reports CP Dec 2020, 13 (12) e239251; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-239251
- Palmaris profundus in the carpal tunnelTheodore Paul Pezas, Rajive JoseBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2021, 14 (8) e241328; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-241328
- Recurrent phyllodes tumour of breast infiltrating the latissimus dorsi reconstruction flapPradeep Saxena, Ankit Lalchandani, Chirag DausageBMJ Case Reports CP Dec 2020, 13 (12) e238306; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-238306
- Largest size of extra-abdominal fibromatosis of axilla in a young manAnil Kumar, Subhash Kumar, Ruchi Sinha, Veena KumariBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2019, 12 (8) e230670; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2019-230670
- Anaesthesia (215)
- Cardiovascular medicine (1003)
- Dermatology (556)
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- Resuscitation (57)
- Trauma (160)
- Emergency medicine (487)
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- Diabetes (127)
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- Pituitary disorders (57)
- Thyroid disease (118)
- Endocrinology (669)
- Evidence based practice
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- Gastroenterology
- Endoscopy (165)
- GI bleeding (99)
- Liver disease (186)
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- Pancreatitis (61)
- Portal hypertension (16)
- Small intestine (76)
- Stomach and duodenum (85)
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- Intensive care (565)
- Neurology
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- Cranial nerves (107)
- Dementia (7)
- Epilepsy and seizures (116)
- Hydrocephalus (22)
- Infection (neurology) (166)
- Multiple sclerosis (19)
- Muscle disease (40)
- Neuroimaging (396)
- Neurological injury (71)
- Neurooncology (116)
- Pain (neurology) (47)
- Spinal cord (105)
- Stroke (239)
- Trauma CNS / PNS (40)
- Neurology (1639)
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- Radiology (892)
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- Osteoarthritis (13)
- Osteoporosis (11)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (40)
- Vascularitis (161)
- Rheumatology (587)
- Sexual health (102)
- Surgery
- Breast surgery (69)
- Cardiothoracic surgery (205)
- Gastrointestinal surgery (432)
- General surgery (457)
- Neurosurgery (204)
- Otolaryngology / ENT (246)
- Surgical oncology (230)
- Transplantation (61)
- Urological surgery (183)
- Vascular surgery (192)
- Surgery (2635)
- Urology (280)
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