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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Surgery
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
- Vulvar reconstruction in post-RT case using the versatile VRAM flap: reporting the rare extrapelvic approachUpasana Baruah, Apoorva Tak, Debabrata Barmon, Dimpy BegumBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2023, 16 (4) e254773; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-254773
- Negative pressure therapy in a scenario of distal femur fracture with internal degloving injuryRavikumar Thoppanahalli Venkatesh, Dev Anand Galagali, Aanchal BhatiaBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2023, 16 (4) e253009; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253009
- Management of a fusiform brachial artery aneurysm associated with birth traumaEduardo Betancor Campos, Felicia Drack, Hitendu Dave, Kathrin NeuhausBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2023, 16 (4) e253814; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253814
- Reconstruction of multiple fingertip crush injuries with full-thickness skin graftingErica Kholinne, Claudia Santosa, Ira Juliet Anestessia, MuchtarBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2023, 16 (4) e253446; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253446
- Curettage and electrodessication combined with photodynamic therapy in the treatment of large squamous cell carcinomas in unfit and frail patientsHenrik Luu, Måns Cornefjord, Åke Svensson, Henry SvenssonBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2022, 15 (6) e248588; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-248588
- Osteomyelitis of the thumb following a trivial traumaAshwin Pai, Richard Baker, Aparna Udyavar Pai, Quillan Young SingBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2022, 15 (6) e250324; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250324
- Perianal basal cell carcinoma managed with wide excision and random flap reconstructionMichael Geoffrey Lee Lim, Marc Paul Jose Lopez, Jaime Antonio Ong Yu, Jose Paolo Pantua AlbañoBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2022, 15 (6) e250493; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250493
- Myofibroma mimicking peripheral nerve sheath tumour with ulnar nerve compression symptomsHarvey Chim, Gayle Suk Wiesemann, Elham NasriBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2023, 16 (2) e252939; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-252939
- Double-layer biodegradable temporising matrix reconstruction for abdominal skin and soft-tissue reconstructionRushabh Shah, Ailbhe Kiely, Stuart McKirdyBMJ Case Reports CP Nov 2022, 15 (11) e251848; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-251848
- Reconstructing a chronic, malunited Galeazzi fracture with distal radial ulnar joint instability: a simple, modified techniqueSpencer R Anderson, Hunter Charles Spitz, Timothy Charles Frommeyer, Sunishka M WimalawansaBMJ Case Reports CP Nov 2022, 15 (11) e250484; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250484
- Anaesthesia (215)
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- Emergency medicine (487)
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- Rheumatoid arthritis (40)
- Vascularitis (161)
- Rheumatology (587)
- Sexual health (102)
- Surgery
- Breast surgery (69)
- Cardiothoracic surgery (205)
- Gastrointestinal surgery (432)
- General surgery (457)
- Neurosurgery (204)
- Otolaryngology / ENT (246)
- Surgical oncology (230)
- Transplantation (61)
- Urological surgery (183)
- Vascular surgery (192)
- Surgery (2635)
- Urology (280)
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