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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Neurology
- Rare case of COVID-19 vaccine-associated intracranial haemorrhage with venous sinus thrombosisPujon Purkayastha, Charlie Mckechnie, Pallavi Kalkur, Marie ScullyBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2021, 14 (9) e245092; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-245092
- Recrudescence of severe polyneuropathy after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in a patient with a history of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitisRahul Gill, Macym Rizvi, Muhammad S Sadiq, Mark FeldmanBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2022, 15 (4) e245749; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-245749
- Development of central precocious puberty following cannabinoid use for paediatric epilepsy: causal or coincidence?Aditya Krishnan, Juliana Chizo Agwu, Chetana Kallappa, Rajesh PandeyBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2021, 14 (4) e239678; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-239678
- Encephalopathy with progression to posterior reversible encephalopathy pattern in a patient with COVID-19: clinical, imaging findings and follow-upAli KerroBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2021, 14 (2) e241240; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-241240
- Can PIMS-TS lead to a facial nerve palsy?Lauren Hookham, Penelope Teoh, William Stern, Anna L GoodmanBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2021, 14 (6) e242887; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242887
- Uncommon presentation and complications of herpes zoster infection involving the cervical, vagus and accessory nerves which caused a delay in diagnosis and treatmentZiqi Wang, Thomas Lotina, John MalatyBMJ Case Reports CP May 2021, 14 (5) e241881; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-241881
- Intraventricular migration of fourth ventricular neurocysticercosis: an unusual complication during endoscopic surgeryDeepak Kumar Singh, Prevesh Kumar Sharma, Neha Singh, Vipin ChandBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2023, 16 (6) e255813; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-255813
- Cerebral dominance in an unusual case of Landau-Kleffner syndromeNodee Chowdhury, Atma Ram Bansal, Rajeev Goyal, Gowathi NikhilaBMJ Case Reports CP Dec 2021, 14 (12) e246696; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-246696
- Bilateral thalamic infarction caused by artery of Percheron obstructionMarco Lizwan, Sumit Kumar SonuBMJ Case Reports CP Jan 2023, 16 (1) e253949; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253949
- Rare presentation of anti-GAD-65 antibody-positive autoimmune encephalitis and simultaneous onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus in a paediatric patientKristina Kern, Brooke A ShusterBMJ Case Reports CP Mar 2021, 14 (3) e237913; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-237913
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