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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Neurology
- Near-infrared spectroscopy in the diagnosis and management of acute internal carotid artery occlusionAndrew A Moses, Vadim Zhigin, Likowsky Desir, Heustein Sy, Jason A EllisBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e261413; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261413
- Rare intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) can cause atypical intracerebral haemorrhage and mislead diagnosticsClemens Oerding, Olaf Niederstrasser, Ingmar Kaden, Adina Lepadatu, Eberhard Sorge, Daniel Bethmann, Kai Wohlfarth, Anja HarderBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260498; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260498
- Adhesive arachnoiditis: a rare cause of postoperative urinary retentionCheruba Jonathan, Narayanasamy Senthil, Lakshmanan Suja, Vaasanthi RajendranBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e261139; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261139
- Utilisation of a balloon-mounted coronary stent in the treatment of a patient with petrous carotid artery dissectionPeter Atiiga, Raghuram Lakshminarayan, Hamed NejadhamzeeigilaniBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e258854; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2023-258854
- Refractory singultus and area postrema syndrome as a presentation of neurocysticercosisAmlan Kusum Datta, Sudeshna Malakar, Adreesh MukherjeeBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260797; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260797
- Bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction in the setting of uncontrolled atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular responseMelissa Murphy, Andrew Lee, Frank Willard, Kevin PriceBMJ Case Reports CP Sep 2024, 17 (9) e260687; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260687
- Thalamic warning syndrome and the artery of PercheronÂngelo Fonseca, Joana Lima, Cristina Duque, Luís RibeiroBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2024, 17 (8) e260665; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260665
- Challenging illness scripts: a case of pernicious anaemia and axonal neuropathyAmara Ahmed, Hussam Ammar, Ronald MageauBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2024, 17 (8) e260967; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-260967
- Atypical presentation of Wernicke encephalopathy due to thiamine deficiency in a patient post sleeve gastrectomyKeith Scharf, Janet Tang, Selene Jamall, Nancy BakerBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2024, 17 (8) e261292; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261292
- Opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome associated with bacterial urinary tract infectionHasara Jayasekara, Janitha Sampath Wickramarathne, Damith Sanjaya Liyanage, Peduru Arachchige JayasingheBMJ Case Reports CP Aug 2024, 17 (8) e261533; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2024-261533
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