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- BMJ Case Reports CP
- Anaesthesia
- Management of a malpositioned central venous catheter in the accessory hemiazygos veinYuki Izumi, Ivor Cammack, Takeshi YokoyamaBMJ Case Reports CP Dec 2021, 14 (12) e245654; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-245654
- Non-diabetic euglycaemic ketoacidosis and rapid weight loss in a post-traumatic surgical patient: is the outré preventable?Yun Xin Chin, Nivan Loganathan, Dinoo Suran KirthinandaBMJ Case Reports CP Jul 2022, 15 (7) e250796; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250796
- Anaesthetic management of a parturient patient with a malignant hyperthermia partnerRachael Dolan, Felicity CorcoranBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2022, 15 (4) e247953; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-247953
- Perioperative challenges in managing a patient with COVID-19 undergoing debridement for massive scalp myiasisShiu Yin Lo, Ming Kai Teah, Yan Zheng Ho, Tat Boon YeapBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2021, 14 (2) e241189; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-241189
- Prevention of postoperative delirium through the avoidance of potentially inappropriate medications in a geriatric surgical patientKevin G Burfeind, Andrés A Tirado Navales, Brandon Michael Togioka, Katie SchenningBMJ Case Reports CP Apr 2021, 14 (4) e240403; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-240403
- Airway foreign body during bronchoscopy: an unexpected complication when using a dual-axis swivel adapterLaurence Weinberg, Nicholas Shearer, David Minh Chuong Duong, Tom Neal-WilliamsBMJ Case Reports CP Jul 2022, 15 (7) e250530; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250530
- Discovery of a rare aberrant artery overlying trachea during open tracheostomyMan Ting Florence Tai, Siu Kuen LuiBMJ Case Reports CP Jul 2022, 15 (7) e251123; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2022-251123
- Haunting of the phantom limb pain abolished by buprenorphine/naloxoneUna Srejic, Faried BanimahdBMJ Case Reports CP Feb 2021, 14 (2) e237009; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-237009
- Delayed, transient quadriplegia; the importance of spinal cord perfusionRaymond RaperBMJ Case Reports CP May 2022, 15 (5) e246501; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-246501
- Trigger point injections for axial back pain in adolescentsElisha Peterson, Julia FinkelBMJ Case Reports CP Jun 2021, 14 (6) e242727; DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242727
- Anaesthesia (215)
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- Gastroenterology
- Endoscopy (165)
- GI bleeding (99)
- Liver disease (186)
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- Pancreatitis (61)
- Portal hypertension (16)
- Small intestine (76)
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- Epilepsy and seizures (116)
- Hydrocephalus (22)
- Infection (neurology) (166)
- Multiple sclerosis (19)
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- Neuroimaging (396)
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- Pain (neurology) (47)
- Spinal cord (105)
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- Trauma CNS / PNS (40)
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- Rheumatology (587)
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- Surgery (2635)
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