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Cardiac tamponade as a presenting manifestation of severe hypothyroidism
  1. Ashvin Butala,
  2. Shilpa Chaudhari,
  3. Alan Sacerdote
  1. Department of Medicine, Woodhull Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Alan Sacerdote, Alan.Sacerdote{at}


We report a patient who presented to our hospital with unusual symptoms of non-specific complaints and uncontrolled hypertension. Acute cardiac tamponade was suspected from cardiomegaly on routine chest x-ray and confirmed with an echocardiogram. Analysis of the pericardial fluid and other laboratory data ruled out all the common causes except for hypothyroidism as a cause of cardiac tamponade. Tamponade results from increased intrapericardial pressure caused by the accumulation of pericardial fluid. The rapidity of fluid accumulation is a greater factor in the development of tamponade than absolute volume of the effusion. Hypothyroidism is a well-known cause of pericardial effusion. However, tamponade rarely develops owing to a slow rate of accumulation of pericardial fluid. The treatment of hypothyroidic cardiac tamponade is different from other conditions. Thyroxine supplementation is all that is necessary. Rarely, pericardiocentesis is needed in a severely symptomatic patient.

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