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Rare disease
Juniper tar (cade oil) poisoning in new born after a cutaneous application
  1. Sanae Achour1,
  2. Sana Abourazzak2,
  3. Abdelrhani Mokhtari3,
  4. Abdelmjid Soulaymani3,
  5. Rachida Soulaymani4,
  6. Moustapha Hida2
  1. 1Unit of Toxicology, University Hospital Hassan II, Fez, Morocco
  2. 2Paediatrics Department, Hassan II University Hospital, Fez, Morocco
  3. 3Laboratory of Genetics and Biometry, IBN Toufail University, Kenitra, Morocco
  4. 4Laboratory of Pharmacotoxicology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, and Poison Control and Pharmacovigilance Center of Morocco, Rabat.
  1. Correspondence to Dr Sana Abourazzak, abourazzak77{at}


Juniper tar (cade oil) is distilled from the branches and wood of Juniperus oxycedrus. It contains etheric oils, triterpene and phenols, used for many purposes in folk medicine. The authors report a case of a previously healthy new born treated with a topical application of Juniperus oxycedrus for atopic dermatosis The poisoning caused convulsions, collapsus, acute pulmonary oedema, renal failure and hepatotoxicity. The newborn survived after supportive and symptomatic treatment, and discharged in a good condition on the eleventh day of hospitalisation in intensive care unit.

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